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Clave Gestora de Recursos Ltda. (“Clave”) does not trade or distribute investment fund shares or any other security. No information contained on this website constitutes a solicitation, a promotional or marketing material, or an offer or recommendation for the acquisition or disposal of investment fund shares or any other security, nor can it be construed as such in any jurisdiction where said solicitation, offer or recommendation is considered illegal or subject to specific rules. To invest in our funds, please contact an authorized distributor.

Investment funds managed by Clave may use derivative-based strategies as part of their investment policy. Such strategies may result in significant equity losses and may potentially exceed the capital invested and consequently oblige shareholders to provide additional resources to cover the losses of the funds. Despite the manager’s diligence to select the best investment options, because of its nature, the Fund’s portfolio is subject to asset price fluctuations, in addition to credit and liquidity risks, which might lead to equity losses. The funds presented herein may be exposed to significant concentration on assets from a small number of issuers, with risks arising therefrom. Clave Capital’s funds may be authorized to make investments in assets traded abroad and exposed to significant concentration on assets from a small number of issuers, being subject to risks arising therefrom.

Investment funds are not guaranteed by the administrator, the manager, the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), or any insurance mechanism.

We cannot guarantee that long-term or equity-based multimarket funds managed by Clave will have the tax treatment desired.

To assess the performance of investment funds, an analysis of at least 12 (twelve) months is recommended, and past performance, under no circumstances, is a guarantee of future performance. If the comparative profitability index used in this website is not the fund’s official benchmark, said index is merely used as an economic reference. Some information contained herein may have been obtained from market sources or based on simulations, so actual results may vary significantly. The disclosed profitability is reported net of management and performance fees, as well as other fund-related costs, but it is not net of taxes or the exit fee.


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